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Shandong Weihai customer orders 1325 straight line cutter change processing center

AddTime: 2020-07-13 11:56:36 Onclick: Editor:shenlan_admin110   Collect   Print

Shandong Weihai customer orders 1325 straight line cutter change processing center(图1)

At the beginning of July, an old customer ordered a 1325 in-line tool changing processing center again. Thanks for everyone's trust in Deep Blue Machinery. Shenlan  Machinery can only continue to do a good job in equipment and repay customers with high quality, excellent service and affordable price!

In 2020, the in-line tool changing processing center has become a popular product, the CNC equipment in automatic feeding, opening, automatic feeding and other aspects of the ability is more prominent, with labor-saving, safety, machine control interface design humanized, foolproof operation and other characteristics. Through the manufacturer's after-sales technical training, on-the-job staff or inexperienced staff can quickly master the operation skills, easy to learn good operation.

All CNC engraving machines sold by Shenlan Machinery have after-sales team for on-site installation and training, to protect the rights and interests of customers, reduce the worries of customers at home. After after-sales training, the machining center of in-line knife exchange produced by Shenlan Machinery can be operated to reduce the reliance on skilled workers and reduce labor costs.

Shenlan machinery provides solutions for CNC engraving machine industries, you only need to provide production needs and expected budget, we will plan and customize appropriate procurement plan for you, welcome you to visit the factory, to the inconvenient to the factory customers, can provide free samples;

Shenlan  machinery takes it as its responsibility to make high-quality CNC engraving machines. From the parts of each equipment to the appearance of products, it keeps on iteratively upgrading, creating public praise by quality and making image by brand. Many customers are moved by the quality of deep Blue Machinery and purchase equipment.
